Shoji Ueda, Portrait of cherries (1), C-Print, 5 1/10 × 7 1/10 in, 13 × 18 cm, edition of 7 + 2AP. Ask for price.
About the Artist
Shoji UEDA 植田正治. (1913–2000) lived in Sakaimachi, (now known as Sakaiminato City), Shoji Ueda was the third and only surviving child of four children. Born and raised in Tottori prefecture, Ueda’s photographic works are both playful and meticulous constructions which depict an array of surreal and dreamlike landcapes shot against the backdrop of Tottori Sand Dunes. A master photographer, Shoji Ueda’s works are beautiful and elaborate realizations of a worldview, which remained unique and stood apart amongst the iconic developments of 1960s Japan, such as the politically radical Provoke movement.
Shoji Ueda, Artists in the Dunes, 1950 – 1952, C-Print, 5 1/10 × 7 1/10 in, 13 × 18 cm, edition of 7 + 2AP.
Shoji Ueda, from the series Shiroi Kaze (Brilliant Scenes), 1980-81 (not for sale)
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1940 – “Den’en no utsushikata(How to Photograph the Countryside)”, (Tokyo: ARS Photograph Library, #42)
1962 – ”San-in no tabi” (Travels in San-in)、
Tokyo: publishing department of ShakaiShisoKenkyukai Research Institute of Social Thought、Japan
1965 – “Camera Kiko: Izumu no Shinwa (the Legend of Izumo: A photographic Travelogue), Tankosha, Japan
1967 – Oki, Takosha
1971 – “Warabegoyomi (Children the Year Round)”,
the third volume of Eizo no gendai (The Present of Images), Koronsha, Tokyo
1971 – Co-authored with Takatoshi Ishizuka,”Izumo-jiRyojo(Heart of Travelers in Izumo)”, Shimbunsa, Toko
1974 – “Ueda Shoji shoryokoshashincho–Oto no naiKioku
(Ueda Shoji Sketch Album – Memories without sound)”, Nihon Camera-sha
1974 – Co-authored with Masaaki Ueda, “Izumo”, Mainichi Newspapers, Tokyo
1974 – Co-authored with Yoshiaki Tono, “IzumoTaisha(Izumo Shrine)”, Heibonsha, Tokyo
2015 – Shoji Ueda, Chose Commune, France