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You order here using this form, please put in the item description as well as your shipping- and billing address. We will acknowledge your order by e-mail that will contain your bill.

How to Pay?

You just select your method of payment you like best, they are all mentioned on your bill: Credit card, transfer to one of our accounts, PayPAL, Pay by Phone, Pay via e-mail via PayPAL. etc.
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    We deliver worldwide. Our Shhipping Partner is Cargo International. We will inform you about shipment costs and duration when we know your shipping address. Your shipment is insured. You will automatically receive the tracking code of your shipment.

    Return Policy

    You have the right to return the purchases within 14 days for a full refund. You can do so for any reason – even if you simply changed your mind. The 14-day “cooling off” period does not apply, among others, to artwork individually framed or printed.

    Privacy & Security

    We are committed to protecting your privacy. Under no circumstances do we rent, trade or share your email address with any other company for their marketing purposes without your consent. We use your personal information for internal purposes such as processing and keeping you informed of your order. You may receive information from us about new artwork, new services and special offers we think you’ll find valuable.

    Data Protection

    We are following the actual General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union of 2018.Click here to see our Privacy Policy.

    We have updated our privacy policy according to these rules. We are committed to protecting the privacy of all of our customers and visitors of our website, and we would like to reassure you that all of the information you provide us with is kept strictly private and confidential. We do not pass on personal data of our customers to third parties and use your personal data (name and email address) exclusevely for the purpose of sending out our digital newsletters. If you do not wish to receive any further information from us in the future, please send us a short note.


    Nolden/H – Fine Art, Berlin. T +49 (0) 162 68 33 544. E-mail:– Nolden/H-Fine Art is a company following all rules and laws for Online Sales that the EU Commission published in the Code of EU Online Rightsin Decembre 2012, describing the consumers rights in EU legislation related to the digital environment. Available in 22 languages:CLICK HERE!

    We offer only works by such artists who are accepted by the important auction houses or are involved in a museum or gallery context. You find Modern Art, Postwar Art, Contemporary Art in limited editions, original graphics and multiples, paintings, sculptures and photographies. All works of art offered have been carefully checked for authenticity, originality and condition. Each single work of art is described in detail.

    By appointemnet only


    Proprété intellectuelle

    Le site la propriété exclusive de la société Art Galerie Nolden/H – Paris, now Berlin. Son contenu, l’ensemble des œuvres, photographies et textes présentés sur ce site sont protégés par les lois et conventions internationales relatives au droit d’auteur. Toute représentation ou reproduction, intégrale ou partielle, faite en violation des dispositions législatives relatives à la propriété intellectuelleest illicite et constituerait, par quelque procédé qu’elle soit réalisée, un acte de contrefaçon.

    © Copyright 2024 by Nolden/H – Fine Art, Paris, Berlin. All rights reserved.



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